- OpenBravo (Rank: 4)
- ADempiere Bazaar (Rank: 10)
- opentaps (Rank: 17)
- PostBooks (Rank: 238) (New project. Growing FAST. Based on OpenMFG)
- Compiere (Rank: 272) (Losing popularity fast)
- ]project-open[ (Rank: 504) (Thanks to bnordgren for the lead)
The popular osFinancials (Rank: 84) could be considered a complete ERP system for several Small Businesses.
opentaps seems back on track to releasing the (quite elusive) release.
good information on open source ERP tools. Great work..keep it up.
I'm Frank from ]project-open[. We're currently ranking on SourceForge between 50 and 110, that's a lot better then 504, isn't it?
I've read the discussion about ]po[ on your forum: In my humble opinion I would agree with _you_: There are many differences between your project and ]project-open[, and I'd probably do the same that you are now doing.
I think one of the main problems that a lot of managers face while working with PM tools is that they are unable to get an accurate status of the project...until it is very late …what we call as 90% syndrome…So, the team keeps reporting the progress as steady until you reach 90% completion (as reported by team) ...and then it forms a plateau at 90% i.e. the progress is really slow after that…This is primarily because of false reporting of progress by team in the initial stages of the project…In this regard I really like the approach of 2-plan team (http://team.2-plan.com) they calculate progress (% completion) by computing tasks-completed/number-of-tasks. And the best part is …it is an open-source alternative to basecamp and other webbased pm software.
I`m Charlotte. Another software should also be considered before making a decision right? So, in this right case, try to find more useful and easy-to-use tools out of WorkforceTrack.com
Good luck all!!
Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully
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